Clubs and Organizations                  

Students are encouraged and invited to become involved in the many varied clubs and organizations at Arnold High School.  There are opportunities for service, academic growth, and artistic expression.  If you do not find something for your interest, please speak to a teacher about creating another unique opportunity!



Anchor Club is a service club for students sponsored by the Panama City Chapter of the Pilot International. Its aims are to develop initiative, leadership and personal integrity while serving the school and community. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA and complete service projects to remain in good standing.


Meet in 1-159 on Tuesdays after school. We promote art within our student body as well as art in our community. Art Club does numerous volunteering in our community including helping with elementary school festivals, and the Covenant Hospice Gala.

Arnold Abroad
Gives students insight into the world outside of local borders by carrying out international service projects, exploring cultural activities, staying informed about humanitarian issues, and potentially traveling.


Comprising talented individuals who collaborate for months to make a halftime show for football games. Participate in band camp and milton blackwater festival. 


Beta Club draws its membership from students who demonstrate high standards of academic achievement, character, service and leadership. Invitations will be sent via email to students who meet our requirements (minimum 3.0 GPA and no discipline referrals). Meet in the media center at 3:10 on the 2nd Thursday of the month. 

Black Youth Leadership

To educate or spread awareness about Black lives and learning about peaceful protest and step teams.

CC&T (College,Career and Transition)

Meet monthly. Meet during both lunches and provide lunch, as well. The main focus of the club is to support the students to learn and explore career pathways and post-secondary educational options. Students will work together to explore college and career options, engage in mentoring, and participate in events and activities within the school and community to build college and career transition plans. Basically,  "What are my options after Arnold?" 

Chef’s Club

Part of the Culinary program this club is where students learn to work as a team- just like in an actual restaurant. Students come to this class looking forward to learning the skills of cooking, and how to be safe doing so. Skills USA prepares our students for careers in hospitality. 

Class of 2027 SG

Freshman class will help with homecoming events. Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month.

Class of 2024 SG

Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month in 5-207.Senior class will be responsible for Project Graduation and Grad Bash.

Class of 2025 SGA

 Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. Juniors are responsible for many of the proms.

Class of 2026 SGA

Meetings 1st & 3rd Monday in rm  Sophomore class will help with homecoming events.

Comic/Illustration Club


Club meets and works on drawing and designing of comics and illustrations.

Club Dance



 Remind 101: @DCEK2B Dance club meets before school to discuss matters related to the Dance.  The Dance Club will also create school spirit on campus by performing during the pep rallies. Students will use the art of dance as a way to promote community, respect, openness, depth, and passion.  The goal is to participate in dance competitions and allow club members to learn and practice various styles of dance.

Diamond Girls

This club makes goody bags for the Baseball team for the away games. They also work the concession stands at the Baseball Games. They also go to the  games to cheer on the team. You must maintain a 2.0 GPA and complete service projects to remain in good standing. Meet on the first Friday of the month. Remind 101: @AHSDG23

Early Childhood Ed. Club

Meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month. This club is open to all students who enjoy helping the young children of our community. Volunteer opportunities available. 

Engineering Club

Participates in Emerald Coast Best Robotics, which aims to inspire middle and high school students to pursue careers in engineering, science and technology.  Remind 101: @engrclub22

Environmental Club

The purpose of the recycling club will be to reduce plastic and aluminum waste at Arnold High School.  


Membership in FCS is open to all young men and women at Arnold High School who wish to confront students with the challenge and adventure of serving Jesus Christ. Meet every Wednesday during lunch in the band auxiliary room.

Fishing Club


The fishing club members work different tournaments in our local area. We go to the Captain meetings and eat dinner with the teams in the tournament. You must maintain a 2.0 GPA and complete service projects to remain in good standing.

Got Hope

In this Club we recognize the different cancers and raised money to give out scholarships to students for college. You must maintain a 2.0 GPA and complete service projects to remain in good standing. Meetings in the mornings before school - when announced. Remind 101: @gothope23

Humane Society

This club collects Dog/Cat food and blankets for the local shelters. We also try to help out animals that are sick or hurt by raising money for them to have surgery, and chemotherapy. You must maintain a 2.0 GPA and complete service projects to remain in good standing. Meet on the first Wed. of the month. Remind 101: @ahshumane

Interact Club

Interact Club is a service club for students sponsored by the PCB Rotary Club. You must maintain a 2.0 GPA and complete service projects to remain in good standing. We meet on the First Thursday of the month at 3.

ITS (Thespian Society)/ Theatre

Meetings EVERY Thursday 3 Rm 3-118 International Thespian Society I.T.S. is a globally recognized honors organization for theater students. Arnold Theatre's I.T.S.troupe does activities like producing school plays and improv shows in addition to competing at Thespian District and State Festivals each year. We also provide support to middle and high school thespians at other schools.Help to manage and run the auditorium at Arnold. Our club is open to all Arnold students, no prior experience or theater class is required.

Junior Optimist International Club (JOI)
Junior Optimist International (JOI) Club is an all-inclusive youth organization sponsored by the Optimist Club of the Beaches. By embodying the Optimist Creed, students are motivated to embrace positive values like optimism as well as respect for self and others while engaging in community service. Opportunities are available to students who would like to polish their leadership skills, manage money, and practice good citizenship.

Key Club

Kiwanis Educating Youth is a national service club sponsored by the local Kiwanis club. Applications for membership are taken in the fall, and students are involved in many community service projects. Remind 101: @jenmo

(JCL) Latin Club

Fun and exciting group of people who study Latin, compete with other schools, and consistently strive to take home the gold. They also go to meet-ups and see other people’s projects, learning from them and comparing their knowledge of the subject. Remind 101: @ahsjcl23

MU Alpha Theta

The school’s competition Math team. Remind 101: bellmath22

Next Gen

A safe place to get advice and guidance for living a christian life in a public school. To spread joy and positivity around the school.


NHS (National Honor)

The goal of our local chapter of this national organization is to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in students of AHS. Students who are eligible for induction will receive an invitation during the spring of their sophomore year based on their unweighted cumulative GPA at the end of first semester. Meetings are every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month in room 1-138 at 7:45 am. Remind 101: @ArnoldNH


To develop responsible citizens and student Leadership skills. ROTC Club meets in ROTC Supply Office, Bldg 5 room 105 the 2nd and 4th Monday of the Month at 7:45 am.

Pep Club

Main goal is to have a supportive and exciting student section to support our teams at their many home and away games/competitions. Meetings are Friday mornings in rm 1-212. Remind 101: @JenMorg.


Arnold’s gay/straight alliance is a club that promotes love and acceptance. Spectrum actively works to combat prejudging and stereotyping people and they campaign against bullying. Spectrum is dedicated to the belief that each person is gifted and special in their own way. Instead of judging each other, Spectrum believes we should encourage each person to live up to their full potential.

SGA Overall

Student Government Association leaders are elected by the student body to coordinate student interests and concerns. SGA is made up of class officers. Representatives are involved in community service, as well as school activities. Meet on the 2nd Monday of the month in 5-207. Remind 101: @osga23

Social Justice

Aim to promote social justice in and outside of the classroom as well as encourage our students to become efficient advocates of the issues important to them.


The NAUTILUS, the school yearbook, is published annually by the yearbook journalism class under the direction of the faculty sponsor. Pictures of all classes,teams, clubs, faculty, and student activities are included in the publication which is sold through reservation several times a year. The yearbook is distributed in May.


We Film and edit segments for the morning announcements.

Wow 3:16

A Safe place for young women to discuss their feelings whilst uplifting each other. A sisterhood.

Please refer to Bay District Schools 9-12 High School Activities Handbook on the website at regarding student responsibilities, participation, and activities.

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